April 30, 2009

April 30, 2009

Can I whine just a little bit? Yes? Oh, thank you.
I took the kids and myself on down to the gym today. We all decided the pool was the place we wanted to be. After playing with the younger ones I the kiddie pool, I left Devon in charge of Payton and Ryan (with Michael supervising from the sidelines) and took Regan over to the 'big' pool for some practice. I worked on bobs and floating with her for about 20 minutes then sent her back with the other kids. Since we got there too late for me to join the hydro works class I thought swimming 10 laps would be good enough for one day.
I made it through three. Barely. When I got out of the water my legs were shaky. I think its going to be a few weeks (months) before I can make it ten laps.
Oh, isn't that the cutest picture of Payton? I took it when she was going down the slide yesterday. Can you see her chipped teeth? She fell outside on the sidewalk last summer and chipped three of them.


Heather said...

I know what you're going through! I've just recently started going back to the gym and some days it's hard for me to get up out of the bed to go back to the gym.

thoughts to think said...

That picture is adorable! Sounds like you all are doing well. Thanks for updating your blog...now I should probably update mine. You are such an inspiration!