June 17, 2009

June 17, 2009

Mariah came and spent the weekend with us. Friday night the older girls went to the Ape Caves and didn't get home until around 2 in the morning!! They had to wake up early Saturday morning to go down to the youth group car wash. I think they were pretty much sleepwalking through the day!

Sunday after church I had took Jessie, Mariah and Devon shopping. The girls were looking for jeans and I was trying to find some board shorts for Devon to wear over her bathing suit. No luck on the shorts but I'm still looking.

Monday we picked Mariah up again and headed to the park for some hiking. If you want to call walking around on trails that are completely flat hiking. The kids had lots of fun though. they ran around like little crazy people and showed off their awesome gymnastic skills.

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