January 1, 2012

Let's Try This Again...

After a year and a half absence, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get restarted. Should I try summarizing whats happened while I was away or just start over and ignore the giant gap between posts? Since summarizing that much time would lean more towards a novel, I don't think that will work.

So I'm going to just jump in and get started!

Today is January 1st. My favorite day of the year. I love the whole idea of having a new beginning, a clean slate. New Years, to me, is a time to make new goals, try out some new ideas and to let go of some of the things that didn't go as planned last year.

This year, instead of making resolutions, I'm taking the idea of 'Bucket Lists' and putting a little twist on it. I'm making shorter, seasonal lists of goals and things I'd like to do. Both personally and as a family. My Summer list is looking like all fun so far! I put a few gardening goals in my Spring list (which is a little intimidating to me) but its something I want to get better at. I will probably post my goals at the start of each of the seasons, as a bit of encouragement to continue on with them.

So here's to a new year, new notebooks (mmmm...I love new notebooks!) and a new start with an old blog! Sounds like a good year already!

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