A few years ago I was surfing the web and came across a site that encouraged the use of a Household Notebook. After reading all they had to say about it and looking at the forms they provided, I decided that this would be very beneficial to our family and went about making one. Now I’m not one to use the forms others have made so I made a list of the things I wanted to include in my notebook and made up my own forms to fit my family. I used my scrap booking supplies to make dividers, colored or patterned papers for festive pages (like birthday lists or something like that) and I added things like business card holders and photo holders.
After using the notebook for about six months or so I realized there were areas I just didn’t need and some that I wanted to add. So I changed it all around. I have done that a few times since then as our family circumstances have changed.
I’ll share what my notebook looks like but keep in mind it changes…and if you want to make one I would recommend doing a Google search and looking at notebooks other people have made to get more ideas.
My notebook is a 1” binder with clear pockets on the front and back. When you open the cover the first thing you’ll see is a pencil pouch. In it I have pencils, pens, stamps, address labels, post its and some mountie stickers.
Next is the business card holders and some papers I want to keep close to the front. One is for emergency contacts and information, I have a copy of Proverbs 31, my weekly to-do list and some blank notebook paper for jotting things down.
After that is my first section. Its called ‘Monthly Planner’. In it I have my weekly focus sheet, (Monday-Dining room & meal planning. Tuesday-kitchen & office day, etc) my daily chore list (make beds, sweep floors, laundry, etc) a copy of my ongoing to do list and blank calendar sheets I print off the computer and add whatever I need to them.
My second section is called ‘Schoolwork’. I have a list of curriculum each child uses, my goals for them for the next few years, their daily scheduled work, book lists, things I am needing for lessons and want to keep my eye out for and any sports or activities that are coming up.
Section three is ‘Kitchen’. Here I have all my menus, lists of lunch and dinner ideas, a few recipes (I have a huge 3” binder that holds all my recipes) another list of main dishes and one of side dishes, a master grocery list and a list of what’s in my pantry and freezer.
Section four is ‘Maintenance’. In it I have a list of seasonal chores, a maintenance/repair log, a BIG honey-do list, and some directions for making my own cleaners. The honey -do list isn’t just for my Honey. It is for anyone who lives here and has the ability to help repair or do something. Even my little ones help out with stuff.
Section five is ‘Directory’. It is where I keep a copy of our church directory, the home school co-op phone list, etc.
The last section I have is called ‘Misc.’. Here I have a copy of my 101 in 1001, lists for stocking the diaper bag, a first aid kit, ideas on keeping preschoolers occupied while schooling the older one, ideas for organizing the van and keeping it clean and clutter free, etc. Basically it is where I keep all my lists and resources.
So that’s my notebook. I find it extremely helpful to have all this information together in one place. If you like the idea I would definitely suggest looking around and planning out your own.
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