July 7, 2008

Fourth of July Weekend

We spent our weekend visiting family and eating. Does it get any better than that?
We had Danyelle with us this weekend. Isn't that the cutest picture of her with
Payton? I just love it. Danyelle got to go out to Jake and Octavias house on Friday.
We had a BBQ and set fireworks off as soon as it got dark. Oh wait. Michael and
Jake started playing with some of them as soon as they finished eating but the
main fireworks were saved for darkness.
On Saturday we all headed out to Lonnie and Cindys house for more BBQ and lots
of visiting. Their Pastor is a licensed Pirotechnitian and was putting off the towns
fireworks display that night. I have got to say that fireworks show was the best I
have ever seen! They had some DC Talk and other old school christian music
playing in the background. We parked on the edge of a field and let the kids dance
around in front of us. It was a pretty great weekend.

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